Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Grocery List of Happy:

With the hustle and bustle of the average day it's hard to take a second to take a deep breath and release the stresses we carry on our backs. Putting the day's stresses in perspective is nearly impossible while it is all whipping around us at lightning speed! So try Lily's agenda to add a sense of reality and dose of happiness to a day which can prove to be just the opposite:

1. Wake up And Smile- As you wake up with your mom yelling from down the hall to get yourself out of bed, smiling is the last idea which crosses your sleepy mind. You look past the present into the future of the day to come and all you can visualize is a schedule filled with work, stress, and drama. It is often hard to wake up and realize what a gift it is to rise from your bed and have every body part working exactly the way it did as you dozed off into the slumber of the evening. It is a gift to wake up in the morning, and have a day to live! Treat it as the gift it is, force yourself to smile and brighten up an average day just a little more.

2. Push Yourself with Patience- As each day progresses and the stress of average life dawns upon us, its so simple to loose understanding for those around us. However it is so important to remain patient with your friends and realize that just as you are not in their head to visualize exactly what it is they desire from you.. They are not in yours. Have patience for those who are kind towards you. Those who make an effort to treat you as the individual you yearn to be respected as are the same ones who should be admired with this same courtesy.

3. Communicate a Little More, Whine A Little Less- Communication is key in receiving the essential amount of happiness we all are determined to achieve. To voice an opinion you have says I have a voice. Listening to a friend in need says, Im here for you. Speak your mind and you shall receive what it is you are searching for so much quicker. Communicate with those around you, regarding wishes you may have. It is than that wishes become reality, however do not let time pass you by. Speak up, you will respect yourself more for it, in the end!

4. Fresh Air (5 minute rule) - We do not value the land on which we live often enough. Get outside for 5 minutes a day and embrace all that your life has granted you. The fresh air will cleanse your brain and create a clean palate on which to do work. The health aspect of this simple and quick goal, mixed with the appreciation for the surroundings around us, will create for a more observant, more understanding person.

5. ME time- Reflect on your day, prior to your slumber. It will assist you to clear your mind of the stressful thoughts we bear upon ourselves during the waking hours of our lives. Think of all you accomplished. Think of all you need to work on. Think of all whom you have helped. Question whether you did your best during every affair you included yourself in. Question thoughtfully, and undertake the goal to not strain yourself for every little mistake. Instead, adopt those faults as your own and use them as a learning experience for tomorrow.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Dont Worry.. Be happy

We tend to define ourselves and slowly evolve into the people in which we surround ourselves with.  If they are in a melancholy mood, we too are put into that same type of forlorn state. Where on the contrary when they choose to be a positive influence, we as people are encouraged to want to be the same way. Our friends represent so much more than they are granted. They lead us through the bumps and curves and have our backs when we need to fall. Their ears are always open to listening. Their mouths always available to advise. However, a key component to friendship is to look deeper than the surface of just another pretty face. It is then, when you dig deeper into a person, that you discover traits within them that you too wish to possess. When they themselves, embody the type of people we want to become. In realizing for yourself that happiness is not one that should be equated with rainbows and sunshine but rather one that regards knowing who you are, knowing where you have come from, respecting your body and your mind, appreciating all that surrounds you. Finding friends who believe the same philosphy will help you as a person stop believing in happiness, and begin living it. Happiness has not one definition but rather one which changes for each person who chooses to embrace it! Friendships lies in the palm's of the beholder's hand, the power instilled in that who chooses to understand it. It goes un-noticed most of the time that we are effected by the situations that encompass our own.  It puts a weight on our own idea of happiness when we are unable to be exposed to it, from a premature stage. How can a person grasp a concept when they are not vulnerable to it? While I am not saying that being happy at a constant rate is crucial to enjoy life to its fullest potential, I am saying that being surrounded by other people who are striving to attain this end goal of contentment is. Make the choice to find the correct perspective for yourself on the subject regarding happiness. What does it mean to you? Who can help you reach it? Why is it important in your life? Because without happiness and satisfaction for you current standing in life, for the foundation on which you were built off of, and for the excitement on what is to come.. it will be hard to understand everything in between.. Make friends who support your journey in becoming a positive influence on the world around you. Then choose to be the friend who exceeds happiness and chooses to understand it...