Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hepburn Quote

This is just a short quote LUV found this afternoon, coming from the mouth of such an iconic figure. Take the words to heart, remember that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder! Choose to define "beautiful" the right way. The real way. The true way.

"For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people". -Audrey Hepburn

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How Are You?

"How are you doing?" A question we are asked more than a handfull of times each day. The generic answer of "good" often does not properly reflect back on our true state of being. Contemplation of whether or not the questioner is truthfully curious to know how we are doing is something I personally struggle with always. Now is the time to deeply consider your answer. Give yourself the opportunity to change the reaction from the collective good, to a descriptive great. Many of the following are those of which we know but habitually forget; key aspects in becoming a happier, more accepting person! Consider what your answer may be at the upcoming occurrence when you are inquisitively asked "HOW are YOU doing?"

1. Don't take anything at face-value: Never question looking deeper
2. If greatness makes an appearance in your life, share the joy and tell someone! Allow others to recognize your achievements and be proud.
3. Take pride in every endeavor you involve yourself in. Never go in the opposite direction of your heart.
4. Allow negative situations to act as learning experiences, realize your mistake, pick yourself up, and move on.
5. Second Chances are key in moving forward: grudges function as heavy weights which we carry on our shoulders. A burden which is unnecessary. Eliminate those harsh feelings by forgiving and understanding
6. You are not alone! The struggles which you feel you battle solo are those which are conflicting most of the people encompassing your life! Never feel ashamed regarding struggles you face, allow sanction for those bottled up emotions to escape.
7. Love is not the key to happiness! You hold the key to your own destiny, so choose to be strong for YOU. Not in result of someone else's effect on you!
8. Be the person you are for the right reasons. Pave a path for yourself, do not follow in the shadow of those before you.
9. Beauty is not a reflection in mirror but rather the choices we make, the people we decide to be, the strength we persevere with. Realize all the beauty you possess, and accept those flaws with determination.
10. Hiding from the problem, does not make it disappear. Attack your missteps head first, whole heartedly!
11. Do not fear from change, face it with an open mind and a strong heart! With courage. With pride. Realize you are ready and optimistically face the time ahead.
12. Admit your faults and acquire the mature skill to say, "You are right, I am wrong." Be willing to learn from the people in the community around you!

We now ask again.. How are you?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Finger Pointing Criticism

Quit criticizing others. This unkind tool of self motivation is one which has proven to be an essential aspect in creating a united and healthy society, which all feel comfortable finding their spot in. I have found in these past few weeks, that in accepting the peers around you, acceptance for yourself becomes simpler. It becomes your main goal, and slowly transfers into becoming an ambition to attain! However the elimination of denouncing others is something which we each do, more times than that of what can be counted on one hand. Terminating this release of inner anger on the counterparts surrounding us is the epitome of "easier said than done." The flaws we point out in those around us, the fingers we choose to point, often reflect back on the things in which we loathe about ourselves.. The insecurities we wish could evaporate into thin air! One whom criticizes those around him regarding weight, are many a time insecure about their physical appearance. Where as, a person who is able to look into somebody's soul and realize how supportive they are, the friend they constantly prove to be, or the respect which they choose to emit, is able to look at themselves in a similar fashion. This negativity which you pour out concerning somebody else's flaws will be alike a boomerang, and soon come back to paralyze your own happiness. Become comfortable with the person YOU are and learn to gain toleration for the people your friends are becoming. Understand that being agitated with your fellow peers flaw's will become less and less of a worry in your life, the moment you allow it to. However, creating this self-assured atmosphere for yourself will take it's time. We must give time the respect it deserves, and allow nature to take its course. Open yourself up to a world of understanding and gratification for those who encompass your life. A lifted burden will be taken off of your shoulders the second you do. Appreciate that our friend's are just as much of people as we are. They make error. They hurt. They feel. They judge. They learn. However, despite the time it may take to reach the place you wish to be, constantly remind yourself that any step (no matter how small) is farther away from the place from which you started...